Oh, What a Night!

I'm still reeling from a magical evening on Saturday supporting The Olive Branch for Children. This initiative means an awful lot for so many reasons, one of them being that our church is a massive supporter of this incredible initiative. Also, it's in Tanzania! After visiting Tanzania in September, it means even more to me. When I heard about the Gala, I knew A la Carte needed to be a supporter, so I bought a table and invited some church
members. And what a night! The fireside chat with Deborah McCracken was incredible, she enlightened us to all of the amazing work she does with TOBFC in Tanzania. One hundred percent of all funds raised went to support not only TOBFC in Tanzania but over 200,000 people in remote communities with education, medical care, financial growth and so much more. I was most impressed to hear how Deborah teaches communities how to start up a banking system.
If you'd like to learn more, here's their link:
And now it's time to talk about our next fundraising efforts, JDRF! The Wishart Warriors are back for the 2024 JDRF walk to cure diabetes for the 9th year running. This one means a lot to me as a Type 1 diabetic, I'm so thankful for the new technology that is always coming out and making this disease much more manageable. And maybe some day there will be a cure! Interested in donating? Here's the link:
Giving is a very important part of A la Carte Financial, it truly does feel better to give then to receive. I know these days it feels harder to loosen the purse strings, but there are many other ways we can give, you can donate your time, or do a spring cleanup of your household items and donate them to shelters. Some things that I've done recently to give that hasn't cost anything: donated blankets and towels to the local animal shelter, volunteer as treasurer of my church, and donate clothing to the local women's shelter. I challenge you to find a way to give that speaks to you.