Advice-only Planning is taking off!

I started A la Carte Financial in 2017 with the core value being that everyone deserves professional financial planning advice regardless of their net worth, and this still holds true today!
I get asked a lot where my business comes from, and to be honest it often changes depending on the economic times. However, I have definitely noticed that this year the majority of clients reaching out are women. Now, their particular circumstances are all very different but the main objective is very similar, to make sure that they're OK financially. In many of these cases, a formal financial plan just isn't worth it for them, either they're going through separation and divorce, or their husband isn't interested in participating in the planning process, or they're between careers. With so many variables, the most valuable service I offer them is Checkpoints. We meet for 1 hour in person or on Zoom, you bring your top financial goals or concerns and get sent away with actionable recommendations to be financially better off right now.
The testiomonials from my clients have been overwhelmingly positive and everyone is a little bit lighter after airing out those pent up financial concerns.
It seems that this is what happens in our society, we don't have the professional knowledge to strategically build our wealth, but we have to in order to achieve the coveted financial freedom. There are so many considerations with the Canadian financial system that it can be overwhelming, think of things like pension and benefit entitlements, the entire shelf of registered investment platforms Canada offers, income tested benefits in retirement and clawbacks, the different taxation on income and investments, fees on investments, fees and interest on debts, and on and on. Phew!
If this is overwhelming, then I don't recommend that you navigate all of this on your own, if you don't know where to start, a Checkpoints is right for you. This service has been incredibly popular in 2024 and you would be amazed what we can accomplish!
Here are just some recent subject matter discussed in Checkpoints meetings:
How am I going to pay down my debt?
How do I budget as an entrepeneur?
I feel like I have no purpose with my money, when and how do I start strategic savings strategies?
My parents are ageing, how can we help them set up their estate?
I've also been incredibly fortunate to connect with so many advice-only planners and will be added to the Steadyhand AOP directory (coming soon!):
A don't forget Divorce Thrive podcast: Money with Sunny: